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Blue Cat Audio Updates Equalizer Plug-ins

Blue Cat Audio has updated its 11 equalizer plug-ins; With these new versions, Pro Tools and 64-bit platforms are natively supported on both Mac and PC.

The new release also brings several  
enhancements and fixes detailed below.

These Blue Cat Audio EQ plug-ins include the Liny EQ series (linear phase graphic equalizers), the Parametr’EQ series (digital and analog parametric EQs) and the Triple EQ plug-ins (semi-parametric visual filters). They all come in three flavors, offering a variety of capabilities. In particular, the Widening versions propose mid/side processing for frequency selective stereo narrowing or widening.

Demo versions are available for download on www.bluecataudio.com. The plug-ins can be purchased in several bundles or separately. The upgrade is free for registered users.

What’s new for all plug-ins:
  • RTAS plugin format support for Pro Tools (Mac and Windows).
  • 64-bit applications support for Windows DX and VST under Windows x64.
  • Mac AU 64-bit format support (compatible with 64-bit Logic 9.1 on
Snow Leopard)
  • Space bar does not trigger plug-in buttons anymore (avoids conflict
with transport control in most applications).
  • Demo version now displays a nag screen only once per session, and
only when opening the user interface of the plug-in.
  • Fixed MIDI learn issues.
  • Mac: fixed user interface crashes in some hosts under Snow Leopard.
  • Mac: fixed keyboard/mouse focus issues in some hosts.
  • Mac: fixed multiple screens issue.
  • Mac-AU: fixed user interface resizing issue when changing skin in
some hosts (Logic).
  • Mac-AU: fixed settings lost issue when doing offline rendering in
some applications.

What’s new for Liny EQ series:
  • fixed: curve type was not recalled properly in some cases.
  • fixed: plug-ins did not pass AU validation with the latest version
of Logic Pro (9.1.1).

Plug-ins bundles links:
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