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setting up song drum tracks on BR-1200

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Topic setting up song drum tracks on BR-1200
My new Boss BR-1200 has some killer drum tracks with it, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to setup the loops or phrases in a song format to record; intro/verse1/verse2/bridge/etc. This machine is pretty intuitive for the most part, but it's making me feel a little inadequate in the drum track building respect.

I gave up my VS880 for something a little friendlier, but....

If any of you would like to help out an old man, I'd really appreciate it.

i don't use the loops so often, i've only used them on one track really..

If you use the "Arrangement" mode on the programmable rhythm, you can add different beats and fills to the entire track.

I generally set the tempo and use a repetitive beat, then i record my r. gtr and bass tracks and whatever else i fancy.....then i alter the drum fills and things at the end.

I do it all through the "Arrangement" menu.
I need help in changing drum patterns in FL Studio. When ever I put a rytyum track on pattern 1 , and then try to put a drum roll on pattern 2, pattern 2 plays on pattern 1 all the way through. I need Info on sepperating the patterns.
Jimmie...I would suggest getting the BR1200 DVD Manual, it has a pretty understandable section on the drum loops/arrangement modes... <><