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Thread Antares vocal processor problems

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Topic Antares vocal processor problems
I am a small time home-recording engeneer and record music for my bad. I have a korg D1600 digital recording studio and i have recently purchased an Antares AVP-1 vocal processor. Upon hooking up this processer i have realized that the auto-tuner, which previoiusly sounded oh so promising, requires the user to know the scale of the song that is being sung which presents a huge problem to users who dont know jack about scales. Does anyone have a suggestion? i can imagine how much of a pain it would be for me to guess the scale by elimination for every single recording. so any advice would be appreciated. thank you.
use chromatic scales, sweep through the notes to get the right one (or the closest) then try changing the scale (major, minor, ling-lun ecc..) untill it sounds good.