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Thread Help! i think after everything i purchased everything will be useless

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Sujet de la discussion Help! i think after everything i purchased everything will be useless
I'm a voclaist and i just set up a studio in my small, densely packed bedroom. I use a shure sm85 conected to a tascam us 122 and some maudio bx5 monitors. When i record it sounds really boxy....like those amateurs that sound like they force their voices. The playback just sounds so dry that my voice wuality is almost BAD..which i know isnt. I dont know if its my small room or just the equipment or program i use which is sonar 4. Now i dont know how to get that professional studio, produced sound....any advice please...i dont want all this stuff to go to waste if i have no good place to put em. And im fairly new to this so please help. THANKS!