How to properly mix vocals into music?
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Try to get right sound with eq (equlizer) but I don't know if sound forege has the right thing.



If you are mixing in Sound Forge, you have the wrong tools. You need multitrack software, not a wave editor. The difference will become quite clear when you are able to actually mix.


%1$s a écrit Yeah, heard a lot of good things about the GT's though I'm leaning more towards their Brick at the moment. I was originally planning on a Rode NT but the Studio Electronics C1 is beginning to look like a better choice. Might even try my hand on an Oktava (the russian made ones, not the chinese rip-offs) or an AT 3035 or 4033; the AT 2020 seems interesting, as well. So many mic choices, so little budget.
Also trying to save some dinero for either a Fireface or Creamware Scope system as well as upgrading my Sonar to V5. The Emu has been behaving extremely well in my system but I'm in the process of building the Neo2 for a dual-pc setup next year so a new soundcard will be necessary. Ahhh, the pitfalls of having caught the GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) bug!
I know what you mean, Kit! If only we had the budget for our mic cabinets that the people who are making not-so-good music have, but who also have Neumanns, AKG C414s, Blue's tops of the line, and Telefunkens... to dream a dream of a mic cabinet filled with tubes and all the best condensors....ahhhhhh, now there's the rub!!!!
I'm fully "GAS"ed too, but if my wife had anything to say about it, it'd be the end of my GAS!


Also trying to save some dinero for either a Fireface or Creamware Scope system as well as upgrading my Sonar to V5. The Emu has been behaving extremely well in my system but I'm in the process of building the Neo2 for a dual-pc setup next year so a new soundcard will be necessary. Ahhh, the pitfalls of having caught the GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) bug!


%1$s a écrit Thanks, ag!
Yeah, I've been to the site myself. Was just curious if this particular mic passed thru your hands. Well, I guess since it's a Blue product, it shouldn't be bad at all given BLue's reputation for boutique mics. I'm seriously considering either the Blue Ball or 8 Ball myself so having another candidate for the mic cabinet would be a nice option. I've a friend who's using a Blueberry in his PT HD studio and he's quite satisfied with it.
My pleasure, Kit! I saw a soprano singer use one in a recent PBS special with singers performing what sounded to me like Riverdance meets Yanni...a performance of Celtic music. I have to admit her sound was quite phenomenal with the Blueberry. Although I admit, you have to take into consideration all of the other processing the sound engineer is using on that mic.
Have you considered any of the Groove Tubes mics? I have a GT57 and it has three polar patterns to select from. Sounds great on acoustic instruments and vocals!
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