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SeriesSoundcraft Spirit

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Thread Spirit Monitor 2 32 console, one intermittent stereo aux output channel

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Topic Spirit Monitor 2 32 console, one intermittent stereo aux output channel
Have an old but clean Spirit Monitor 2 board here (1992, I believe). All channels work as they should, the entire console works as it should, with the exception of AUX 11, which is intermittent output. When the problem is occurring, the meter shows no signal, and there is no output. If I cause a short powerful burst of sound by smacking a microphone plugged into any channel routed to Aux 11, it will cure the intermittent for a brief while, but the problem will return eventually. I have exercised all faders, switches, pots, and insert jacks associated with Aux11, but they do not seem to cause any failure or help with regaining the signal- just a rap on the head of a microphone will bring it back. This is probably something quite simple- do you have any suggestions where I should start to troubleshoot and repair this intermittent? Thanks for any information or advice you may be able to provide...