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Fender Classic '50s Stratocaster
Fender Classic '50s Stratocaster

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Classic series

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WhaRat WhaRat
Published on 05/18/06 at 02:06
In which country was it made?
Manufacturing mexiquaine of very good quality violin much better than the vintage model 57 ...

How many frets, what kind of micro as well as their configuration?
21 frets exploitable you feel really at ease handling strat requires extra

What type of bridge?
Bridge Start with the classic vibrato tit

What type of race?
Channel U super super nice better than the 60 in my opinion ... is a try


Then I took my slap uh how to say?? euhhh vui b'en a lap at the Duchess is a treat stick is truly the best race I could keep up today.
We walk on the handle like a highway (not for shredders), but this handle is a real handle on strat n'peux no more at ease
The guitar is very well balanced with no leaning strap.
The sound is just terrible


A yeah that's what type of stratum I have been waiting to tell you my lontemps strato 62 to € 2,000 sleep in my closet ... it's still telling you.
I played on a super good marhsall DSL401 plain ... I changed for the wonderful Blues Junior 15W All Tube the recess is the slap!
It gets all the sounds of the classic Start ... just listen the sound's Matthieu Chedid (-M-) b'en the melody in my it's the same in his legerment crunch his grave the fact we can easily having the sound of SRV with all the slamming of the stratum is a jewelry


I use it for two years now is really the guitar that I had to like what we should not always be ruined for the class and a nice guitar ... I find the classic series Mex franchment try anything extra before you ruined a vintage american model (made in Japan and more ...)
The value for money and very affordable really is the opportunity of the century
For anything I would not trade this guitar for my not even Ricken 330