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< All Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH reviews
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Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH
Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Limited Edition Stratocaster series

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« Fender Standard Stratocaster »

Published on 11/16/02 at 15:00
I Recived the guitar as a gift because people knew that I wanted one but i didnt have the money to buy one. They paid $199.99

I think it sounds great. Stays in tune. Adding any effects to the sytem is great. It has a great tone for such a low end guitar. People say that they have mistaken my sound from a mexican guitar. I SUGGEST YOU LOOK INTO IT! It could save big money!

My only complant with the guitar is the pickups the sound of the picking is very noticeable on recordings.

THE THING IS UNBREAKABLE. It has dropped a few times(oops!)NO SCRATCHES. It stays like new for a long time.

I think this is a great guitar for anyone. It handles traveling well and sounds good.
And most of all it SAVES money.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com