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< All Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH reviews
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Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH
Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Limited Edition Stratocaster series

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MGR/Brian from Denver MGR/Brian from Denver

« Fender Standard Stratocaster »

Published on 12/07/02 at 15:00
I got this guitar for about $320 on the internet. I was looking for a good quality and versatile instrument.

I love nearly everthing about this guitar. I can use it for country, rock, and blues sometimes. Three pickups make for a wide variety of sounds. Good construction.

The guitar is sturdy and well built, but has what I can best describe as a cheap feel. But I can get over it.

Pretty good quality; see above.

A great deal on a legend. A great rythm guitar and a decent lead one.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com