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< All Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH reviews
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Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH
Fender FSR Standard Stratocaster HH

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Limited Edition Stratocaster series

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MGR/Georg C Cocron MGR/Georg C Cocron

« Fender Standard Stratocaster »

Published on 06/14/03 at 15:00
I bouhgt the guitar used from Music Go Round,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, for ca. 200.

The three tone sunburst finish is gorgeous.
It looks flawless.
The sound is what you would expect from Fender guitars. It's rich in tone and sustain. It works well in any setting.
It has a Great clean sound as well as a "dirty" sound.

The pickups are modest.
They are medium output, with no uniqie qualities. However, they work fine with the rest of the guitar.

The Construction is first rate.

This is an awesome guitar.
It's affordable. It sounds fantastic.
No complaints.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com