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Ibanez RG270DX
Ibanez RG270DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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« Ibanez RG 270 DX »

Published on 08/17/03 at 15:00
450$ used (canadian) probably kinda steep for this guitar but i needed a quick guitar

i love the thin neck, very easy to play. I also like the shape of the body. The inlays look really cool to. The floyd seems to lose tune after a few good dive booms.. Im most likely going to get it blocked so i can play with tunings.

Stock pick ups were garbage but i dont think you could really expect anything much better for the price. I swapped in a seymour dimebucker and things are good.My biggest dislike (very irratating) problem with this guitar is the jack.. it gives off a nasty buzz when i play it sitting down (say the jacks rubbing of something sort of)i had to get it re sauldered because of this.. maybe its just cause i play sitting down mostly... or the jack is truly a piece of crap

i think its put well together except the jack

good guitar for the price. Great neck for fast playing. Crappy jack. Low end pick ups (what can you expect for the price)
good for metal

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com