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Ibanez RG270DX
Ibanez RG270DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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MGR/Rich Keyworth MGR/Rich Keyworth

« Ibanez RG270DX »

Published on 01/05/04 at 15:00
I bought it from an online rock guitar shop for about 320 pounds, which is quite good.

It sounds pretty beefy through my marshall avt combo, and the lead tone through the neck humbucker is very smooth. The neck is very fast too. And ofcourse theres its looks which are understated yet very attractice (mines a silver-green finish)

The clean tones for the bridge pickup are a little too harsh for my taste, a bit...scratchy. However, the other humuckers clean tone is much smoother and milder, and way better for leads. The floyd rose tremelo system makes the guitar simply not stay in tune. Maybe its just my guitar, but every time i bend a string a lot, one or more of my strings goes way out of tune. As you can imagine this is VERY annoying and can cause a great deal of embarassment when playing live!

The construction overall is very good, i've not noticed any flaws in its finish or build quality.

Overall i really like this guitar. Its great for the style of music I play (modern metal) and it can handle a variety of pleasing tones from thick chunky distortion to pleasant bluesy clean sounds. My only big gripe is with the constant need to re-tune and with the floyd rose putting the strings out of tune if you as much as tough it. However, if you disregard that its a good solid metal guitar, great for shredding and so-on, and is certainly worth the money.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com