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Ibanez RG470FM
Ibanez RG470FM

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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rockli rockli
Published on 07/19/08 at 03:51
-Made of Core
24 frets, rosewood handle
Pink floyd-UNDER LICENSE (not a Floyd Rose original)
Gold hardware-
-3 Di Marzio pickups: 2 humbucker (neck pickup: pickup INF1 AND: INF2), a simple micro (center INFS1)
Flame-table rostrum
Slecteur 5-positions


The handle is extremely enjoyable. there is nothing to say on it. It is late and use trs s'avre as good as my ESP.
Access in acute is more than adequate. not need to bend in half to get the dernire freight. In short, the shape of the guitar (very classic stratode) has never caused this kind of gap.
Rah lalalala, but what it's heavy! THE FIRST time I port, I hallucinated Yet not one of the Paul ... but hey, it, I am used. the wood is beautiful, Aesthetics, it suits me ample.
I think the position is very well slecteur. I surf easily from a microphone the other. Ds time without doing expr but hey it's something else! : P
Despite the fact that it is only one FLOYD ROSE LICENCED, the guitar does not dsaccorde at the slightest touch of vibrato. trs's really important when you know that licensed floyd rose is really devastating! (Manir I expect any change to the original one even if it is correct).


This is the heart of the matter, the sound: D

The guitar is quite versatile. I think it sounds great for blues, funky sounds, rock and metal. Quite often trs honntet I use the neck pickup. It largely meets its rle to find classic sounds. For cons, the bridge pickup is not too early. This is a typical configuration (INF1-infs1-INF2). I used a roland cube 15x amp classic and I am satisfied. I RPET the guitar versatile enough to be patient condition and know perfectly the guitar. The fat handle and a micro lens is simply not bad at all. I blame the fact that the search of his s'avre longer than some of my guitars.


I've had five months. Must say that I had to learn to love it. She did not tap into the eye but as far I learned to love this scratching to the point of using it more often than others. For the simple reason that it is my birthday present from my wife so sentimental value standard.

The guitar can get on scne with you, but train yourself to know well with perfectly.

Of course I would make that choice, it is I who have also chosen: D