Martin & Co Standard D-18 - "D18, rhythm machine."
It is my opinion that the Martin D18 is yet another one of the great acoustic guitars made in production today in the $1,700 price point. Martin has a long history of quality and innovation, and thes…
Martin & Co Standard D-28 (2002) - "The industry standard"
It is my opinion that the Martin D28 is one of the best acoustic guitars made in production today in the $2,000 price point. Martin has a long history of quality and innovation, and these guitars hav…
Martin & Co 000-15M - "A killer stripped down Martin guitar"
Martin's new line of 15M guitars is really a fantastic value. They currently made three sizes, the 0015M, the 00015M and the D15M. Though I ultimately purchased the 0015M, I have had experience with …
Martin & Co 000X1 - ilove my 000x1's review
translated- Manufacturing USA - Acoustic - Form 000 mini-jumbo - Solid spruce - 14 frets laminated sleeve UTILIZATION The handle is fine and pleasant, easy to play, perhaps a bit heavy compared to …
Martin & Co Standard D-28 (2002) - Stev.'s review
translatedSitka massive table, back and sides solid indian rosewood, ebony and marquetry of separation of the back. It's very simple but hints at a certain quality violin. The wood of choice. My model i…
Martin & Co Standard D-35 - " It plays all alone"
translatedAmerican-made. Channel low profile satin and white binding. 3parties rosewood back the most beautiful effect UTILIZATION The handle is very nice. Not very different from the round of the 28p …
Martin & Co HD-40 Tom Petty - polo91's review
translatedI own the No. 68. The handle is shaped "low profile". Microphone in series. As shown Hugo33000 is really a work of art. UTILIZATION Handle very nice, and actually very straight in the eye (rather…
Martin & Co Standard J-40 - pierrotbtc's review
translatedFolk Guitar made in Nazareth (USA). Fund size jumbo Indian rosewood, neck 22 frets, ebony fingerboard and solid spruce top. UTILIZATION The handle is very nice. Access to acute rest easy even…
Martin & Co 000-15S - Lsan's review
translatedU.S. mahogany acoustic guitar (mahogany), 12 frtes non-cash, 6 strings etc ... UTILIZATION - Handle great, a little broad but extremely comfortable. - Access in acute stroke limit not pan ... …
Martin & Co Standard D-28 (2002) - Sharivan's review
translated( ) ( ) ( ) ( http://img141.…
Martin & Co 000-28EC - chris75009's review
translated- USA - Sleeve V - Small table - Key plate UTILIZATION - The handle is a regal (small pitch, pleasant to the touch) - Accs acute because by no limits Singlecut ... but it is the philosoph…
Martin & Co SWOMGT - police's review
translatedGuitar factory in USA. Pica massive table, solid cherry back and Clisse plutt which is rare I do know that the guitars that do font.Placage Boucher of the head, plectrum and protective inlay around…
Martin & Co D-16RGT - Le Bluesman's review
translatedJ'voquerai few dtails often evokes about this guitar, or some features that make it particulire and not listed in catalog: -Bad rumor mcaniques: honntement, I do not agree, my MODEL dsaccorde does…
Martin & Co 000-16RGT - MisterGemini's review
translatedMy MODEL is the 000-16GT, diffrent the GTA in the sense that the back and wicker covers are made of mahogany, not rosewood. Note that the micarta used for keys and the bridge is a composite matrial…
Martin & Co Standard D-41 - whale102.3's review
translatedNazareth guitar made in USA) - Solid Spruce - Sides and Solid Rosewood back - Head and neck solid mahogany / ebony fingerboard (Inscrption CF MARTIN on the head) to Christian Frederick Martin …