Waves NX Virtual Mix Room - "It does the trick"
I use this plug-in with the following configuration : PC w/ Windows Seven, I7-4770k, 16GB, SSD (Samsung 850pro) Berhinger U-PHORIA UMC 1820 sound interface It's better to have a sound interface wi…
Waves Center - "Waves Center Plug-in Review"
Here is my review of Waves' Center plug-in. I use this plug-in mainly to help bring out vocals of a mixed track. But there are other places where I can use it as well. Please check out the review to …
Waves S1 Stereo Imager - "Larger than life drums!"
Waves S1 is a software effects plug-in to be used in a DAW. All Waves plug-ins can be installed by downloading them off the Waves website. Authorization is completed using a USB stick as a dongle, or…
Waves Center - "Not a bad centering plugin"
Center plugins are mainly used for trying to achieve a proper balance between phase and a bunch of other things like that. An improperly set "center" can cause stuff to sound very low in the mix and…
Waves UM226 - "Stereo to 5.1 surround plugin"
Stereo to surround is a huge issue that a lot of people face when they start remixing old movies for today's sound systems. There are two different versions of this -- the UM225 and the UM226. They…
Waves UM225 - "Stereo to 5.0 surround plugin"
When mixing movies today, the biggest thing that people seem to be paying attention to, besides the overall remaster of the video, is the sound. Converting stereo to surround sound can be quite a ch…
Waves S1 Stereo Imager - "Audio spreader"
Stereo spreaders are great, assuming you use them for the right kind of music and use them sparingly. Explaining exactly how the plugin works is pretty difficult, but it basically turns something mo…
Waves PS22 - "Solid stereo spreader"
Stereo spreaders used to be all the rage back in the day. Today, they're not utilized nearly as much thanks to you being able to easily do it inside of the DAW with very minimal effort. Most people…
Waves PS22 - moosers's review
The Waves Ltd. PS22 is a mono to stereo emulation plug-in, giving you the ability to take mono tracks and split them into a stereo spread. It's only available for TDM/HD systems for whatever reason.…