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Set Up Advise for muppet

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Topic Set Up Advise for muppet

I have a few bits of kit and would be really interested to have some other suggestions as to how you may go about setting it all up.

I have been getting on ok with Garage Band so plan to stick with that for now. I Record Guitar.
This is what I have.

Mac OS X 10.4.8
I Mac 20" with additional 17" Monitor
2.16 GHs Intel Core 2 Duo

Roland DM2100 Monitors 2.1 speaker system
( Coming tommorow....Very excited,:so don't tell me they are rubbish even if they are:)

Yamaha SG200

BOSS ME 50 -

Boss RCXL Loop Station

Behringer Euro Rack UB802

I am told I really need an audio interface but can get audio in into my iMac from the line out in the back of the ME 50 or from the tape out/ main out in the mixer. (Not sure what the difference is between control out and main out.)
In any case I could do with out any more expense.!! and I am sure you clever lot can advise.

I used to go to an old audio amp with normal speakers but am awaiting arival of the DM2100 which is whats prompted me to post.
Also I use my Mac with I tunes to play all my Music files So thought I should take advantage of the Digital out on the mac and Digital in on the DM2100...But what about my mixer??
What would you recommend as the best way to link this all together?
Any advise would be super

Thank You

Tim in England