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hello everyone !

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Topic hello everyone !
well it says to introduce myself so here i am

I am Darren Slade, 29 years old from Birmingham,England.

Been producing for about 9 years, see www.myspace.com/indus2006 for my latest project. A Band called INDUS.

Started on my first real Home studio and feel i might need some help along the way - hence joining this place !

Feel free to comment on the above and say hello back.


Got me a

PC ( P4 3.2, 1 gig DDr, Raid 300gig )
Euro Rack UB1832FX Pro
Korg X5D
Korg X3
Yamaha Semi-accoustic
Rolph Harris Stlyaphone

on its way is...

Dealt 1010LE ( this is where you guys come in ! )
Pop Guard ( metal one! )

Software used :

Acid pro 5
Fruity loops 5
Sound forge
Tons of DX effects - fave effect - guitar rig 2
Fave VST's inclucde Atmosphere, Halion, The grand 2

Wish List - Sound proof booth
Better mic.
Learn how to use Cubase and Reason ( again - hello guys !! )

Hope you have the time to say hello and maybe check out myspace.