I'm based in Johannesburgm South Africa and have a home studio (PC) with a MOTO 2048 card and I'm using Nuendo, Reason, Korg Legacy and a bunch of fx from Waves and some of the usual free ware suspects. Inputs are via a somewhat antiquated Yamaha 01v. I also have a Roland JP8000 that I use as an analogous solo instrument and for real time vocoder I've modified a Digitech S100 - dirty, noisy, awesome!
My only problem is staying fresh and current. I kinda missed out on the drum and bass thang and my drum sequencing sucks, so I'm all ears for advice in this area. I want to rework some old songs and I know through this new stuff will come. I'm a verse and chorus man - maybe I should start breaking that mould...?
Anyways I'm glad to be here.
Hamba Gahle!
AFfectionate Poster
Member 21 years ago
2Posted on 07/07/2006 at 13:49:07
Welcome Analogic.
My Great Grandfather was the Mayor of Johannesburg for a short time somewhere around the Boer War, according to family legend. The legend also has it that he was shot to death outside a bar, whereupon my orphaned Grandfather, at 16 years old, immigrated to America with his 8 year old sister in tow. My Grandpa was an interesting dude.......
For drum stuff, check out using drum loops. Beta Monkey makes some decent inexpensive loops. I use them in Cakewalk Home studio, shich has looping capability.