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Starting again.

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Topic Starting again.

I found this site searching for studio furniture for my third studio setup. I had an apartment in NY for a while and set up all my gear there, then moved to Van Nuys, CA and had a garage to setup in (That was the best!) and now I've moved back into an apartment in LA and have lost and got new gear along the way.

This is a sweet site. So ya, I just upgraded to the new protools 6.0 on panther and I'm looking to get something like this https://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/sid=040710174407024031041127746559/g=rec/g=rec/search/bigpid/base_id/103798/

I have a pretty big L shaped desk and I'm thinking of just putting a wooded rack type thing on the top for my outboard gear.

Anyway, my name is Charles, it's nice to meet all of you.

Peace out.
Almost forgot. I'm also in a band.


Let me know what you think.
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