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< All Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Twenty Five Head reviews
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Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Twenty Five Head
Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier Twenty Five Head
James... James...

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Published on 12/24/11 at 19:31
Compact design. 2 channels. 25 watts with 15 watt selectable. All tube design and effects loop. Footswitch included.

This is for all intents a Dual rectifier minus one channel and a couple of throwaway features. Sure the power tubes are EL84's but I was never a fan of the 6L6 design anyway.


I think this design was a long time coming and it's a good thin Mesa did it. The fact is, that a Dual rec has way too much volume on tap for most people and a more portable amp is always something people will appreciate. I can say the mini rec is a little bit different dialing in than the original model which was and always has been a bit of an oddity with the knob turning. While the general rules of the old design are at play here, the different power amp style makes the master have a bit more of a role than before. Although the El84's are not very hot so even on higher volume settings it's difficult to get a lot of power amp gain. Be wary though on the 15 watt setting you will get some breakup at higher volumes. This isn't always something you want from the ole rec but to each his own. Personally I feel that this amp's design relies on 90% preamp gain and putting it in a design with power amp breakup involved is sort of reductive.


Let's face it. The clean channel on these has always been pretty glassy. It really depends what you want and how you dial it in, but if you work at it you can get it into blackface (ish) territory. The pushed switch is off limits for me. I don't care for having a dirty clean channel based off preamp gain.

The lead channel is where it's at, and I'm happy to say it gets the recto chunk down just fine. Mesa did a really good job of translating the design to a smaller chassis and there's a lot to be said for that. After all, this is what people are going to buy it for.


I'm getting addicted to this little 10-25 watt amps that every company seems to be putting out. It's great that mesa got on board. This is a well constructed amp. The FX loop is good. Everything is top notch. I think the price is about right considering what you get. This is pretty much a low wattage single rectifier.