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Art Tube MP Studio V3
Art Tube MP Studio V3
François34 François34
Published on 07/13/07 at 10:33
Look nice but a little "tin can"


Preset rglages plutt nice, proper settings but nothing more.


Used an SM 58, its amlior but nothing spectacular


And it is a nightmare!

I tried another lamp I AX7. The sound n'tant diffrent not, I gave the old one.

Scne on, the sound began to fluctuate, I had to unplug the.
The next day, I disassemble and I m'aperois only 3 or 4 son in the water that connects the top of the box the rest are casss (the water quality is more than mdiocre).
I change the water and no amlioration.
I have given my neighbor rpar which is specially in the Repair Tool amp sound systems, even to him nothing has happened.
So it is unusable and use the trash as my 80 investment.

Flight hardware absolutely!