One year ago, Apogee introduced the Duet 2, a digital audio interface with remarkable sound and finish, but only available for Mac computers. Focusrite realized that it was an opportunity and presented the Forte, a direct competitor with comparable dimensions — plus Mac and PC support! But can it really compete in terms of quality?
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New AFfiliate
Member 12 years ago
2Posted on 12/22/2012 at 18:31:43
I think you may have received a defective RME Babyface unit. Funny enough I haven't had any issues with my RME Babyface in terms of build quality. I find the knob to be very solid feeling, don't think it's fragile at all.
I may not be as pretty externally as the Focusrite Forte and the Apogee Duet 2 but its built like a tank. And very reliable.