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Focusrite Scarlett 18i8
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

(#433127) Scarlett 18i8 recording issues

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic (#433127) Scarlett 18i8 recording issues
Hey everyone,

I recently bought the Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 and I'm pretty sure it's a setting or something I'm doing wrong.

I installed all the latest software that came with the unit through the website. Then I connected my piano through xlr on the first two inputs on the front in INST mode, and my microphone on the 3rd and the 4th xlr input on the front with phantom enabled.

When I open MixControl I can see all devices registering input. My monitor speakers give the correct output (piano and mic, as wel as windows sounds)

The issue arrises when I try to 'record' audio to Windows. Skype, Audacity and Windows Recording Devices don't take any input from the 3rd and 4th xlr input on the front. When I switch my mic to the first two inputs and leave the piano unplugged (and switch it back to line from inst) there's no issues and Windows picks up the sound.

Haven't tried other DAWs yet, but I find it strange that input 1/2 don't show issues where 3/4 do. Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,


Windows 7 64-bit
Intel core i7 3930k 3.2GHz
Blue Yeti Pro condenser mic
Connection through USB 2.0

[ Post last edited on 07/19/2015 at 02:37:17 ]

Working (Input 1/2)

Not working (Input 3/4)

So that's weird... You'd say if input 1/2 work with Audacity and WDM... input 3/4 would work as well.
By the way, I think Reaper does recognize all 18/8 USB inputs - not familiar with the DAW yet.

In windows only the first 2 inputs are used. Same for the outputs ( main out only)
The other outputs and inputs are not recognized.

In audio software you need to assign the inputs to the tracks.
So basically
Stem 1 = input 1
Stem 2 = input 2
Stem 3 = input 3/4 ( stereo)

So i guess you have a routing error somewhere.

- Angelie

btw: you don't need to set the softmixer when recording into your DAW.
Those are for headphone mixes and other neat tricks. Your daw will automatically see allthe inputs :-)

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 07/20/2015 at 09:44:06 ]