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M-Audio Air 192|6
M-Audio Air 192|6

USB audio interface from M-Audio belonging to the Air series

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No sound coming out from computer linked to M-audio 192|6

  • 11 replies
  • 11 participants
Topic No sound coming out from computer linked to M-audio 192|6
Hi guys,

Sorry if there is an existing thread about this problem, I couldn't find it.

Here is the problem,

I have a windows 10 pc (latest update 18363.900) with the latest m-audio 192|6 driver installed (1.0.3).

When plugged to my pc most of the time no sound will come out from my speakers, sometimes after uninstall/install the driver and rebooting the computer several times I'll get like 10 seconds of sounds (from youtube, soundcloud etc) and then it will stop until I uninstall/install/reboot the computer again.
Also in Windows Control Panel>Sound I can see the air 192|6 listed and it shows that sound is coming thru.

When i try to run Ableton Live Suite 10 sometimes I can set up the interface as audio through ASIO but then again no sound coming out from my synth and drum machine (Volca Bass and Beats), the audio signal is not recognized in Ableton but it is on the interface display.
I do have sounds coming from Volca Bass and Beats when setting the USB/Direct knob on direct though but nothing when it is set on usb.
I do have a midi signal when playing with Midi keyboards linked to my pc via usb but then again no sound.

On my windows sound setting the air 192|6 is sets as input and output.

Does someone know something about this or a way to fix it ?
I also tried with several usb/usb C cables but the same trouble is happenning.
Were you ever able to fix this? I am having the same issue right now.
Please tell me that the issue has been solved by either the OP or someone else, i have the m-audio air 192|4 and i'm having the same issue, windows 10, no audio out but audio in works just fine. if i select the interface as the output for windows it either goes silent completely or just keeps playing out of my speakers
i have experienced the same issues and now the problem is gone. My solution is to reinstall the speaker drivers and it instantly fixed my problems. I hope this is usefull
I have also recently encountered this problem and have tried to uninstall/reinstall several times to no long-term solution. I also find that upon rebooting my pc, the audio interface is no longer recognized. The only way I can get sound to work momentarily is to unplug/replug the device from the back. My monitors don't have drivers so that solution is not applicable unfortunately in this case. Please let me know if there is a solution for this problem as it is extremely frustrating.
I know this sounds easy but try different USB ports on your computer and different buffer sizes and sample rates in the M-Audio-Air-192|6-Control-Panel. I had the same problem and it worked with my interface.
If you are using a USB audio interface the sound will come from the interface and not from your computer's speakers. Or perhaps I am not understanding the question.
I had the exact same problem and it took me some time before I figured it out. The thing with Win10 is that all hardware details are much more hidden than before. For me the problem was that by default the output for the 192|14 was set at values higher than 44.1 kHz. Once I changed the output to 2 channel 44.1 kHz the problem was solved. Anything higher doesn't work on my system (M-Audio 192|14 on i7/32Gb/Win10).

I'll add a screencap (I know not all can read Dutch, but I'm sure it can still be helpful to locate the setting):
I have signed in the forum just to thank you. I was just about to return the interface to the shop. It worked imediately.