M-Audio Audiophile USB - Dgé's review
translatedFirst M-Audio's hotline is really on top! Only the cost of the call remains shamefully lev .... brief The case is clear, we regret the connection before noon on the cot, some rpondront me, even …
M-Audio Mobilepre Usb - Mc decisif's review
translatedI have a pc team of like a sound card chipset, not wanting to m 'venture into the bios I have the opt for it. I have long hsit between audiophile usb and it rflxion but after his report quality pri…
M-Audio Transit - Rantanplan's review
translatedI needed a simple interface incorporates the standard audio Asio to manage low latency, with a limited budget, allowing me to use my laptop as amp simulator and register for my track by track p't…
M-Audio Omni Studio Usb - le_marsu's review
translatedI was looking for an audio / MIDI interface on which I can connect all my devices with basic mixing functions. Here we have two entrances with pramp, two and four line input AUX input, MIDI in / out,…
M-Audio Transit - Drs's review
translatedI use the M-Audio on an iBook G4 1Ghz with 256MB of RAM. The goal of finding a silent audio interface cheap but also without sacrificing quality. Something short of good quality low price ... In dp…
M-Audio Duo Usb - Oliviercool's review
translatedI wanted to use it primarily (as in other cases, the 16-bit 44.1 KHz is enough for me) to scan 24-bit 96 KHz band 9.5 cm / s with little loss in high frequencies with a tape recorder that can replica…
M-Audio Audiophile USB - ronan pitois's review
translatedI had taken for his connection jack, headphone jack and noon. A priori good performance and reliability of M audio. My config: 512 RAM, MSI mother Certa chipset VIA / AMD, Windows XP SP1. UTILIZA…
M-Audio Duo Usb - olive05's review
translatedVery practical, simple, and complements. UTILIZATION Installing the driver 100% ok GETTING STARTED The direct monitoring works well with cubase sx unlike what some say. in fact it simply c…
M-Audio Duo Usb - Nicopole's review
translatedWhat I interrested in it occurs first prize, the input audio 24bit and pramp Intgr. For use with home studio mac 1Ghz, recording mainly Simple to say that I work on Cubase, I use this card of a…
M-Audio Quattro Usb - Ikkini's review
translatedNow I have this card for more than two or three years and never made me wrong good, I had bought at the same time as my first i-book, which had motiv the era is its versatility, the only card c'tait …
M-Audio Audiophile USB - bo.vin's review
translatedI was looking for a good quality card that I made one in my master keyboard out noon n'tait not recognized by the homing of joystick port. My config is pentium 3-600 slight mghz 288 mega of RAM memor…
M-Audio Duo Usb - incongru's review
translatedWhich I really motiv is above all the price! in fact it is perfect for what I wanted to do (take guitar and lead vocals) my config: Win XP PC (ae!) AMD Athlon 1.6 GHz, 600 MB of RAM. Bon bah in…
M-Audio Quattro Usb - Nida's review
translatedFour inputs Midi Interface USB Works well with 2 inputs UTILIZATION Big dificult installation, bad drivers, conflicts with the other card (the motherboard). Once all these rgls problem, i…
M-Audio Transit - tgalpin's review
translatedPossdant a mixer with intruments like guitars and keyboards, I needed a simple interface trs to be able to get sound in my pc (HP Notebook, 2.66 Ghz, 512 MB, 80MB SD) 1 input, output => transit …
M-Audio Transit - nibla's review
translatedMini USB card cheap and good, ergonomic and efficient UTILIZATION Follow the driver GETTING STARTED So easy and the quality is the appointment OVERALL OPINION Personally, I am primarily a…