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Jackson Randy Rhoads RR24
Jackson Randy Rhoads RR24

V/XPL/FB Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the MG series

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ekerisann ekerisann
Published on 09/24/08 at 05:18
Japanese-made guitar
24 frets, a single micro EMG 81 in bridge ...
Floyd Rose bridge, simple mechanical oil bath Jackson ...
A volume knob is all ...
Alder body, maple neck-through with ebony fingerboard ...

For me the only positive is the ebony fingerboard and the neck-through, it's really stripped it and already visually not include the price charged.


The handle is so typical Jackson found that sense of fretboard 3 / 4 that I like very little, and despite the ebony fingerboard is nice nothing exceptional but nothing more.
Access to acute is pretty bad but typical of flying and Rhoads, also typically were 24 cases and never can understand why ...
Level weight is on it's seen the light this little wood, but like all forms extravagant it looks ...
To set up the sound of the amp there will be as a microphone and a volume knob ca not leave a large range of sounds ...


This guitar is clearly made for metal, it is typical for the clean EMG therefore rely again on the amp, it's still relatively cool ...
The sound is sharp, the output level is obviously high (active pickups) for distortion so there's plenty to do ...
I like the "in your face" but I regret the EMG actually a neck pickup for better sound and soaring solos, versatility is really at its lowest point ...


I had the opportunity to test this guitar several afternoons since the last purchase was a friend.
For metal and the rhythmic much evil there is no problem but when we want on other sounds better take another skyscraper, it makes a bit expensive the "distortion pedal of wood" ...
For me the price / quality ratio is really bad because once again it is confined to its low level and when the proposed round wood and there is nothing to make up for the price!