Friday's Freeware: new KX77FREE synth
Hot newsFreewareThe freeware of the week comes from French KX77FREE who have worked on the Yamaha CS70M synth for its new VST plug-in.
Kx-PolyMod v1.5
NewsKx-PolyMod has been updated to v1.5.
KX77FREE Updates
NewsKX77FREE has updated Kx-Modulad to version 2.21 and Kx-synth-x16 to version 3.2.
KX77FREE KX-Synth-X16 2.5
NewsKX77FREE has updated Kx-Synth-x16 to v2.5.
KX77FREE Kx-Modulad v2
NewsKX77FREE has released version 2.0 of Kx-Modulad, its free virtual analog modular synthesizer with stereo SF2 player and an additive synthesis WaveTracer designed to build high quality waveforms.
KX77FREE Kx-Modulad [Freeware]
NewsKx-Modulad is an "Analog Modular Synthesizer with an Additive Synthesis WaveTracer to build high quality waveforms", says its developer. Come & check it's features & maybe even have a taste…