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Abeem Rack Performer v0.96-alpha.

Abeem Live Technologies has updated Rack Performer to version 0.96-alpha.


This update includes stability improvements around VST support, and should address all reported issues, according to Abeem. The keyboard mapper is now said to be completely functional, including submap types, new mapping types (control focus vs action keys) and a new configuration dialog to select layout and numeric pad mode.


New features:

  • Rework of the keyboard mapping types (simpler, more consistent and uniform)
  • New keyboard layout selection and configuration dialog
  • Keyboard follows and can also change module control focus (aka Keyboard control focus)
  • Keyboard focus lock can force keyboard control focus to stay on a given module until manually unlocked
  • Control combo mode for numeric pad keys adds extra controls to interact with the focus target


New modules:

  • New mini blank GUI wrapper


Minor modifications:

  • Global control ports can be mapped directly via their associated window (monitor, metronome, screens, snapshots etc)
  • Scene snapshots have a new global control port for external mapping
  • Screen switchers have a new control port for external mapping (one per monitor)
  • Simplified keyboard submap types, all types are now properly implemented (keys, controls, presets and blank)
  • Keyboard mappings can control specific ports or follow module control focus (wild card mappings)
  • New option to make screens follow module control focus (or not)
  • Preset management window behavior is more consistent (pinned popup or control focus mode)
  • Clock and global application control ports mappings are correctly saved to document
  • Clock location and parameters are saved to document
  • Tempo tap now takes current time signature into account


Bug fixes:

  • Improved VST support (many previously crashing plugins should work now)
  • Corrected VST scanner and simplified black-listing code (previous version could produce false positives)
  • Monitor group dialog made application crash under Windows Vista (and following versions)
  • Selecting GUI wrappers for internal modules didn’t work properly
  • Increased delay before refreshing window when editing presets and scnene snapshots
  • Under some particular configurations, switching screens could blink sometimes
  • Fixed a display bug in preset management window (ghost presets when empty)
  • Bug in patcher allowed to create patch links to hidden pins (variable I/O bundles only)
  • Removed redraw flicker in Virtual Keyboard
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