TC Helicon VoiceLive Touch Review
Written testVocal effects are present more than ever in modern music, but if you want special effects, you don't give the control to the sound engineer. Loopers are also hip, especially for artists making solo p…
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Singles
NewsNAMMTC Helicon VoiceTone Singles pedals will be presented at the 2011 NAMM show.
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Correct XT
NewsNAMMTC Helicon's VoiceTone Correct XT will be made available at this year's NAMM show.
TC-Helicon Announces VoiceTone Singles Range Pedals
NewsThe D1, T1, R1 and C1 represent the new VoiceTone Singles range – four different vocal processing pedals.
TC-Helicon Announces VoiceTone Correct XT
NewsThe vocal production pedal is now updated with new features including Anti-Feedback.
TC Helicon Voice Live Touch
NewsTC Helicon's Voice Live Touch is now shipping.
TC Helicon VoiceLive Touch
Hot newsTC-Helicon’s VoiceLive Touch is described as a "go anywhere" vocal processor with vocal effects and "VLOOP", a performance vocal looper.
[Musikmesse] TC Helicon Updates VoiceTone Synth
NewsMusikmesseVersion 1.1 firmware update sees TC-Helicon adding new features to the live automatic tuning and vocoder effect.
[Musikmesse] TC Helicon Updates Voice Live 2
NewsMusikmesseVersion 1.2 firmware update sees TC-Helicon adding new features to the vocal processor…
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Synth
NewsNAMMVoiceTone Synth is designed to bring together a collection ofexotic and contemporary sonic effects, including jagged HardTuneT effects, classic Vocoder effects, a voice-controlled synthesizer and voc…
[NAMM] VoiceTone Harmony-G XT Upgrade
NewsNAMMHarmony-G XT now adds Auto-Chromatic Pitch Correction – available as a free download for all Harmony-G XT owners.
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Create XT
NewsThe original VoiceTone Create is used to give vocalists the tools they need to quickly and easily turn in well produced vocal performances.
TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
NewsDesigned for the singing guitarist, VoiceTone Harmony-G XT is designed to marry the "simplicity of the original Harmony-G with state of the art processing right from VoiceLive 2."
TC Helicon VoiceTone Synth
NewsTC-Helicon announced that its VoiceTone Synth is now shipping.
TC Helicon Voice Live 2
NewsTC-Helicon has announced its VoiceLive 2 harmony and effects processor is now shipping.