Raw Material Software JUCE v1.5
NewsRaw Material Software has announced the release of version 1.50 of JUCE, the cross-platform C++ toolkit for developing applications and plug-ins on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Ross Bencina AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio v2
NewsAfter three years in development, version 2.0 of the software introduces new features and brings AudioMulch to the Mac.
Cycling'74 Pluggo Discontinued
NewsCycling '74 has announced that it has discontinued sales of its pre-built Max-based audio plug-in packages - This includes Pluggo, Mode, Hipno and UpMix.
Cycling'74 Max/MSP Updated To v5.0.7
NewsCycling '74 has updated Max/MSP to v5.0.7. They say the free runtime has also been updated.
Cycling'74 Max/MSP 5
NewsCycling '74 has updated Max/MSP to v5.0.6.
[NAMM] Steinberg VST3 SDK
NewsNAMMSteinberg has released a new version of the VST3 Software Development Kit (SDK). The new VST 3.0.2 version adds further functionality to the capabilities of VST3.0.
[NAMM] Cycling'74 Max For Live
NewsCycling '74 and Ableton today announced Max for Live, the integration of Cycling '74's Max/MSP environment into Ableton Live.