Peavey Cirrus 5 Fretless - "Peavey Cirrus 5-String Fretless"
I am buying this bass at my local peavey dealer it is costing me a full 1600 dollars for the redwood finish. Plays wonderfully compets with every other fender rickenbacker warwick or stingray and …
Peavey T-40 - "Peavey 1982 T-40"
Purchased New in 1982 for $295.00 had it special ordered from my local music store in AL. I was living in Meridian MS in 1978 and My father was given a blank guitar body noting its construction and …
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone 3"
Hertford Music to begin learning bass £99 The peavyey milestone 3 is a great bass guitar with a beautiful sound it is light weight for a bass and extremely easy to play also you dont get fuzzes when…
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone I"
This bass was my first bass, a birthday present from my parents. This bass was sold for something in the neighborhood of $200. Nice and cheap. This bass has served me well for quite a while. I …
Peavey Fury II - "Peavey Fury II"
Bought this (barely!) used for ~$125 from ebay. When it works it has a great sound, very playable. It stays in tune well, provided you're careful with it (why do all bass guitars have such huge tuni…
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone III"
This was my first guitar, I paid $300 dollars for the pack which included everything a beginner needs. It was a well priced guitar for what it sounded like. The sound quality of the Peavey Mileston…
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone III"
I bought my Peavey Milestone III with a Peavey Microbass from with a gig bag, picks and a lead, and I paid about £220 for the package. I bought the bass because I'd heard only goo…
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone 3"
i received this bass as a birthday present in late august was bought from fox's music in lincoln for £145. the good thing about this bass is that i feel it is perfect for someone who wants …
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone II"
I bought this bass at The Great House of Guitars in Rochester, New York used for $130 This bass has a classic design which is almost like a Fender bass, but the part I really like about it is it's l…
Peavey T-40 - "Peavey 1978 T-40"
pawn shop find in st paul mn. 150.00 with custom fit molded case. I have 3 other basses wich include a fender usa p-bass, a godin sd bass and a ovation acoustic bass. This bass is on the HEAVY side …
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone III"
I bought this guitar from after looking on the Peavey website after hearing Peavey had set up a new manufactoring plant in the far east. I wanted a starter bass and package for a fa…
Peavey Fury IV - "Peavey Fury IV"
I paid $399 for the bass not including the case. It is al 2002 model, and was purchased in April of 2002. I am a guitar player, but I wanted a decent bass for recording in my home studio. Since…
Peavey Fury VI - "Peavey Fury"
I picked up this bass at a Chicago area guitar shop during one of their "private perferred customer sales" about a year and a half ago. It was used and sold for only $99. I had been looking around …
Peavey Fury II - "Peavey Fury II"
I'm borrowing it from my friend to learn how to play bass. it has good sound. Has good tone and plays well. not much to say this bass is a pretty good bass for the money it appears to be made wel…
Peavey Milestone 3 - "Peavey Milestone II"
I bought mt milestone as a package deal with a Peavey Minx 110 amp for $500 through the only local dealer. It was the least expensive bass they had and it looked really good. I love the way thi…