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I can only hear one side of my bass out of the headphones...

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Topic I can only hear one side of my bass out of the headphones...
Hi All,

Before I record my bass, I can hear sound through the right side of my headphones.
I tried recording this and the playback does not give out any sound, even though there has been a track recorded.

I have a laptop running Cubase SX and running my bass through an maudio firewire solo (external soundcard).

I'm assuming this is a Cubase set up problem - can anyone help me?

thanks axeman. i have resolve this problem.
you were right (i think).
i added a new audio track, and selected MONO (not stereo as before). then, i fiddled around with the INPUT selecting the left, then right channels. the right channel not only worked but let me record my track (the left channel had sound but didn't record).
That's exactly what I was talking about!!! Good for you..... :cool:
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD
I don't know anything about Cubase (I'm a Cakewalk guy), but it sounds to me like you have the wrong audio input selected. Make the source for your record track is the same as what your bass is plugged into.
The Axeman (##(===> Cuts From My New Blues CD