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Trouble with Yamaha HS80M

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Trouble with Yamaha HS80M

I recently bought a pair of Yamaha HS80M. When I switch them on, all is well, at first. listening to my music is great, great sound, but after about 20 minutes one of the speakers pops real loud four or five times, and then it goes dead (though the led remains on). If I switch it off and then back on again, it works but only for five to ten minutes, etcetera. Has anyone had this problem? Can you give tips on what might cause it? Would this be an expensive repair?
Thanks for your help.

I think you should go back. I think it is a power amp failure. The led is only for the power supply. Perhaps the system has a thermal failure.

Is the unit hot / I mean can you feel extremely hot temperatures on the back? If you can feel it, can you compare it with the speaker that keeps working? Is there a thermal difference?

But for now I think there is an internal power failure to the main amplifier, this because you spoke about loud pops... Which normally only can be heard by older amps with no slow start......

Advice: back to the store

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

No, the speaker warms very moderately, temperature doesn't seem to e the problem. Apparently those speakers have a safety system, so when it starts blasting it automatically shuts down before anything actually breaks. I asked around and it's probably a capacitor problem, discharging great amount of power at once. I'm no expert so this might not be accurate. I took it to a techie. I'm see how it goes. Thanks for your answer!