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Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen 3 with internal soundcard - Cubase

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Topic Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen 3 with internal soundcard - Cubase

I have the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen 3 and Cubase Elements 10.
I do not have monitors plugged in the audio interface, but I have a 5.1 speaker system plugged into my motherboard or I could plug it into my internal M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sound card.
I use ASIO4ALL to get the sound out from my 5.1 speakers but get 18 ms latency. A delay of about 0.5 second.

My friend have the same setup as mine, but he doesn't need the ASIO4ALL and he has less latency problem than me. He has speakers plugged into his mother board. I don't know how he managed to do this, but the input and output in Cubase is set to Focusrite and he can monitor his sound through his speakers plugged into his motherboard. He setup his Windows 10 sound setting input and output to Focusrite.
Is my friend clueless and is not telling me the truth?

I cannot figue out how to setup my system like his.

In other word, I'm trying to get my guitar sound into focusrite audio interface and have the sound come out from my logitech 5.1 speakers plugged into my motherboard or my Internal M-Audio soundcard without using ASIO4ALL. Is it possible?

Right now, I am using ASIO4ALL.
If I setup Windows 10 audio input to Focusrite, Cubase will tell me that the driver failed to load. If I ignore this and go into Cubase settings, I end up with a blue screen of death. ASIO4ALL will also tell me that the input for Focusrite is already in use by some other program (i figures out this was because Windows 10 is using it for the input).
the only way I can make this work, is by telling Windows 10 that the input and output for the sound is my M-Audio Revolution 7.1 internal sound card. I tell ASIO4ALL in Cubase that the input is Focusrite (although, in windows sound settings it is set to M-Audio) and the output is M-Audio.
I can finally hear my guiitar but have 18ms latency problem.

2 questions:

1. Is it possible to have (in Cubase) the input and output set to Focusrite (like my friend) and have the sound go through my speakers plugged into my motherboard or M-Audio internal sound card without using ASIO4ALL?

2. If the answer to question 1 is No and I have to go though ASUIO4ALL, how can I lower the latency? I was recording through a cheap Behringer external sound card for years with ASIO4ALL and I was getting around 6ms latency. This card was like 50$. I cannot understand how a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Gen 3 would be worst for latency.

Is there another option I could try without having to buy monitors to plug behind the Focusrite?

Reminder: If I set windows 10 sound input and output to focusrite, I get a BSOD when opening Cubase.

I have a pretty decent computer that I purchase less than 2 years ago. My computer is 5 times more performant than my friends computer.

How can I do this?

Thank you!

[ Post last edited on 02/06/2020 at 06:37:41 ]

You will never get it free from delay.
I bet is is more a wonder that it worked so far.

You are using multiple audio drivers under windows. As far as I can tell windows can't handle that. ( or perhaps it can now but in the old day it just would not work it whould switch from one driver to to other.)

Now that you are using 2 different drivers the signal has to taken from one driver to the other... That takes time.
The amount of time taken depends on how the drivers are handled and thus the data.

Crashing Cubase looks like the drivers you try to combine have a serrious conflict..

The reason That it may work a your friend can be
The fact that other drivers are being used or other chip sets that handle information differently.

It is a difficult problem which just can't answered with do this do that...

Stat with the BSOD. What does it say...?
Often it gives you information about how and why windows did crash.

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...