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New audio interface 2015 (Not so popular but is the best!)

  • 13 replies
  • 4 participants
Topic New audio interface 2015 (Not so popular but is the best!)
Hello!..Recently i bought my new audio interface Audient Id14 and i did a short review..Hope you like it!
You wont regret it..Much better than focusrite scarlett!

Audient is a very known and respected brand, is used often, build very large mixing consoles and 19" outboard equipment.

Than a question....
Why is it better than focusrite scarlett?
Every brand has there pros and cons...

Oh well as long as your happy with your audient..... We are happy for you! :-D

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 08/19/2015 at 06:41:34 ]

I believe its much better regarding sound quality..Much better on the sound!
Sound stage..Much open sound..Like i got new monitors
Much better latency i couldnt get down on 64 samples with focusrite but now i can
With no stuck on pro tools :)
Dimos--Nice job on the review. :bravo: Thanks for posting it. The ID14 is indeed a very intriguing product. We will be posting our own review in the coming weeks. I'll be curious to see how our reviewer's findings compare with yours.
Thank you so much Mike!..I will definetelly see that review..Send me link in this post if you want :)
Quote from angelie:

Than a question....
Why is it better than focusrite scarlett?

While it's hard to say what's marketing fluff and what's a true differentiator, the iD14 (and Audient's products, in general) are said to have far superior mic pres than the focusrite. Just a quick look at comparing the specs on audient's site vs focusrite's, the id14 has a mic gain range of "0 to 66 dB (inc. +10 dB software boost)", and a maximum input level of "+12 dBu (0 dBFS digital Maximum)", compared to the 2i2's "-4dB to +46dB" of mic gain range and max input range of "+4dBu". Additionally, we've found the id14 to have much more quiet mic pres, as increasing the gain adds far less noise when compared to the mic pres on the 2i2.

Now perhaps it's not fair to compare the 2i2, at least from a price point perspective, but in an interface market where everything looks the same and sounds the same, the id14 (objectively speaking) is on another level according to our writers.

It also has a cool knob to streamline automation functionality. I haven't personally used this function, but seeing it demoed at musikmesse 2015 was certainly enough to show its potential.

We should have our id14 review out soon, completed with objective charts and graphs so that our readers can develop their own opinion. Be sure to keep an eye out for it!

Thank you for your point of view.

I'm sorry if i sounded a bit rude but if people say somethings are better than others i like to see some data that gives them a bit of backup.

Offcourse there are better pre amps but we are talking about some equipment that cost a lot more ( aren't we? )

I normally connect some channel strip ( dbx / spl.) if i need better preamps :-D

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

Don't worry about it Angelie, you weren't being rude at all :D:

You're opinion is very valued on Audiofanzine. Normally, especially for people starting out, I'd say go for the 2i2, audiobox or UR22, or if you have a bit more dinero go for the Avid mbox.

But, for less than 300 euros, I was quite impressed with the id14.

In my view, there are the solid entry-level portable interfaces I mentioned, or there's the next step where you're looking for an apollo twin, babyface or apogee duet. But I think the id14 may be closer to the quality level of a babyface, while staying near the price point of an mbox. Not bad at all :lol:
I expected to be more then 300!
Oh well, i guess if you take a look at the datasheet it preforms good for that value.

Then i say: " ok, if you look at the price it can be better then the focusrite one "

Sometimes i can admit i was wrong....
But not that often ;-)

- Angelie

It's not about what you got to use ....    but how you use what you got...

[ Post last edited on 09/01/2015 at 08:26:15 ]

I think that with this interface you can see the difference in sound immediately..You can feel the sound more open and more alive like you got new speakers. The preamps are more warm and natural than focusrite..I like focusrite also i had scarlett 2i2 and then 6i6 but i risked with the audient and im really satisfied!