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Fender American Precision Bass [2003-2007]
Fender American Precision Bass [2003-2007]
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« Fender American Precision »

Published on 03/04/03 at 15:00
I purchased this American P Bass (3 tone sunburst, rosewood fretboard) online from Musicians Friend for $899. I could've picked it up locally from Guitar Center for the same price, but I saved about $70 in taxes by mail ordering it. Hey, every dollar counts! Musicians Friend waived the shipping charge on this item; I ordered it on a Tuesday night and they shipped it on Wednesday. Nice....

Is there any more distinctive sound than a P Bass? This model nails it, dead on, and it has classic Fender looks.

Nothing to dislike about this bass, but I did need to tweak the setup when I received it. If you are not comfortable doing your own setups, or you have no one to do it for you, DO NOT mail order a bass!

This is where the American made Fenders really stand out from the Standard (made in Mexico) Fenders.... Vintage spec pickups; graphite reinforced neck, and string through body construction.

The American made Fender Precision is the type of bass that you buy and keep for a lifetime. Get one and cherish it. I know I will.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com