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Fender Highway One Jazz Bass [2006-2011]
Fender Highway One Jazz Bass [2006-2011]

4-string bass guitar from Fender belonging to the Jazz Bass series

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«  Good compromise »

Published on 10/01/13 at 13:33
Low of 2009 made in USA.
I have the upgraded version of the so she has a badass bass II bridge very massive
A matte nitrocellulose varnish, 2 alnico "vintage" system © grease bucket on the tone knob.
Apart from that nothing significant


Well it's a jazz bass, I will not give you the verse on the handle and everything, you know.
Mechanical hold well
microphones are weaklings, not insulated, it crackles all the time ... if we overcome that they have a really cool sound, but it is better to change.
The paint is super thin and super sensitive, but it leaves the wood to expression and low aging better. The varnish patina with age is prettier than before.
The grease bucket system is more annoying than anything else, it saves the highs when the tone is lowered ... the opposite of what we want to do so it is very bad.
A good place for the bridge that offers great sustain


Suitable to all the people who think like me that jazz bass is anyway roots and a high sound quality is 300 places of what is asked. Because it is still an American jazz bass and is incredibly versatile and can have almost everything to do with! Except that the sound is feeble and ca buzz, it is very rich and serious when we send the pastoral plays! even slap you can easily have a pleasant sound.


I use it for 4 years and it ages very well, better than a standard American.
It plays its role very well Jazz bass, even if others have the most attractive look, do not be fooled by the hype, I paid mine € 850. A standard american listening € 1,200 on average for a bass with the same sound more or less!