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Ibanez EDB500
Ibanez EDB500

4-string bass guitar from Ibanez belonging to the Ergodyne series

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Published on 08/20/07 at 03:23
Low to very good quality made in Luthite, the famous Ibanez signed material.

The neck is fairly thin and easy to grip (as typical of Ibanez).

The key is fretted rosewood (24 frets).

4 knobs: volume neck, volume bridge, the preamp Eq. and general tone.

Electronics Ibanez passive pickups with active soap bar style high quality.

Chrome Acastillage basic but sufficient

Mechanical oil bath Gotoh style but I do not know the brand of those in the EDB 500.

Standard Precision bass bridge type.

Output Jack inclined to the front of the instrument (very accessible)

I put 8 because everything is clean and well built but still basic.


The ergonomics of this bass is simply amazing. It is a pleasure to play it. This is my first bass and started, it's very easy to move the stick thin enough. The body is very well designed and the shape of the body perfectly to the abdomen, forearm and even the slap is easier since, under the strings re and soil body was planed down and switch his fingers underneath becomes a real breeze.

Nothing has been left to chance in this view.

As for the settings is very simple too. the phat is pretty simple since Eq operates fully or not with a single knob. it limits the possibilities but it's perfect for beginners and understand bass.

In short I put 10


Personally, I love the slamming of a low rumble and also in his grave. So I'm happy with the sound I get from the Ibanez EDB 500.

The tone is very receptive to anything from slamming and very powerful slap in the treble, you can return to the soft muffled sound quite easily.

The Phat EQ does not change much but the sound is used to send more gain.

The pickups are very good for the general price of the instrument.

Luthite gives the body a particular sound to this bass which gives it character, but lose in versatility. It's a sound that is fairly purring but much less hot.

I play with this bass on a Trace Elliot GP-7 SM 130 and the pair works really well. I also play on a Roland Cube at home and the sound is really great.

on the other hand, if I want to play some funk / slap are not hot enough and groovy (due to the luthite)

In conclusion, this bass is really nice a sound point of view especially for the price but still very limited. Perfect for a beginner or a casual player.


I use this bass for 7 years now and is very solid. She picked up almost everything: dust, knocks, beer, fall and nothing has changed except for two three set to remake necessarily but it's really an instrument sustainable and quality rather solid.

The particular sound
especially ergonomic

fine adjustments

The value for money is really excellent and if it again, I would buy eyes closed.

So in general I will note as 10 compared to its price range, this instrument fills his role very well and even a little more!