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Korg Ax100g
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RaphRaymond RaphRaymond
Published on 08/22/04 at 13:47
Well I'm going a little fast because dja There's enough other opinions Retailer.
So for this CHARACTERISTICS trs simple, one expression pedals (for volume, wah, pitch, and some others) two pad up and down, on a troisime ct to move from one mode to another and then rglages traditional amp on top.
The small penalty is that it is all plastic so if was okay to play in his room and to record, I might not live trainer.


So the config is pretty simple, there's a few tips dip in the operation but the user manual is very well done.
For each effect are all rglages prciss form of a table on the two inputs pdalier.
In use we note that the stroke of the pedals plastic is quite short and certainly not trs fluid (plastic rubs and cracks a little) but once again it's not much, if you wanted wha good c'tait not need to buy ...


All the effects are good and usable except the pitch who makes a whammy a bit scruffy and RingMod, but it's not me who know how to use.
The simulations do not resemble the originals too even if the IDE is still the same but the sounds are good and usable trs is not a problem.
Some are factory preset trs good as satch (Satriani) other less like Santana ...


I use it too, but he was 2 months trolling around and I like it despite the plastic.
At that price I (around 180) there is no better, whether at digitech, boss, or zoom ... and could even be argued that there is no better at competition up to 300 but I know the good too, look in the forums.
Well now I realize that I used mostly for simulation, therefore I will seek plutt ct of the pod and Vamp OCCAZ, but this is a good choice trs, c ' My desire is that not change the gear.