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Zoom G9.2tt
Zoom G9.2tt

Multi-Effects for Electric Guitar from Zoom belonging to the G series

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Fred.eric Fred.eric
Published on 11/11/09 at 08:17
Value For Money : Excellent
There are all possible effects (see product features).
We can arrange in any order you want.
All parameters are editable via MIDI / USB to PC.
The computer interface is very easy to use. Without the GUI computer adjusting the pedal quickly becomes a hell.
Zoom G9.TT uses two lamps in addition to digital technology. The sound is warm.
Level connections, 2 outputs (stereo), midi in / out.On can also add an external effects loop that can pilot using a button.

Foot level, it is equipped with two pedals one of which includes two axes. Pure gadget that does not serve me. We can condemn it.
Their disadvantages: a short stroke.


The general configuration is simple as long as the program using a PC.
The manual is clear and well explained.
Editing sounds is easy and changing a setting fairly quickly if you know how it is affected knob. The small screen still gives some explanation.


The effects are very good in the sense that they are fully customizable.
This implies that we will always arrive at the desired, but it will take some time to get there.
I use it with my Samick electric guitar and an Ovation electro.
I have no favorite effects in the sense that the effects are there to make a sound.
I'm not back, I seek not to imitate a particular sound. I make my sounds for my taste.


I use it for 6 months, and I begin to learn to code jute.
It is very good but quite complex compared to many editable parameters, but it's also why I took it ;-).
Previously I was using a Boss SE-70. The advantage is that during the transition, I could put my Boss loop outside and continue to use the sounds of it (by adding lamps u Zoom!)
Quality / price ratio excellent compared to what it brings.

I do it again this choice without hesitation.