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Roland JUNO and Cubase not talking

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Topic Roland JUNO and Cubase not talking
I have a midi interface connected to the midi/joystick port and relying on drivers for my MWave soundcard in my Thinkpad with Cubase 5 VST. After weeks of no response on playback, although midi is received, I have now realised that my Roland Alpha Juno is the item in my midi chain not responding, acting as it is as my master keyboard its a bit of a nuisance!! My MT32 and JV-1080 modules recieve output from Cubase, but the Juno doesn't. What am I missing/overlooking. I assume as its just STANDARD midi (pre GS/GM etc) that is the issue?? What's the cure??

It all works so well with Cubase 3 Atari ST etc...???

