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Trying to setup my keyboard w/Reason

  • 4 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Trying to setup my keyboard w/Reason
Hey Folks

I have a
Yamaha CS1x
Focusrite 2i2
M-Audio Midi Sport 8x8
Reason 9

My aim is to hook these up so I can use my keyboard sounds along with Reason sounds

Is this possible?

Thanks for any help provided
Forgot to mention I am using a Dell XPS L521X Laptop.

Connections as follow...
Yamaha CS1x Midi Out >> MidiSport 2x2 InB
Yamaha CS1x Audio Out to Focusrite 2i2
MidiSport USB Out to Laptop
Focusrite 2i2 USB Out to Laptop
Audio Card Driver 2i2
MidiSport and 2i2 USB connected to Laptop.

I get Midi signal just no sound from 2i2 or Laptop headphones.
Under audio input in Reason it says "No Audio Inputs Available Please check your sound card settings".

[ Post last edited on 08/23/2017 at 17:43:40 ]

Hi DrDave,

This looks like you've set it up all correctly. You just need to go from the audio outputs of the Yamaha keyboard into the 2 inputs of the Scarlett 2i2. You will need to make sure Line is switched.

It sounds like you just need to set up the Scarlett 2i2 as the input and output device in Reason's preferences then create some audio tracks monitoring the correct inputs and it should work. You may also want to check the internal global settings in the keyboard to make sure the audio output isn't disabled.

If you have any further questions about this please get in touch and open a support ticket directly by navigating to https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new

Best regards,

Alex Bull // Focusrite Tech Support
I opened a ticket thank you.
Hi Mick I am replying to this ticket per your email. I was waiting to hear back from you on this.

Your email below

From: technical.support@focusrite.com
Subject: Thanks for Contacting Support
Date: 9/18/2017

>>Hi David,

It has been a few days since you last contacted us regarding your support request and we would like to hear about your experience.

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Completing this short survey will help us to focus our continuing effort to further improve the support service we offer.

If you are still experiencing technical issues and have a support ticket with us, please reply to that ticket with further details or visit our Help Centre here:

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Yours sincerely,

Mick Gilbert
Service and Support Manager
Focusrite | Novation