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Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 Clipping

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Topic Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 Clipping

I recently noticed that I had quite a lot of clipping when playing back music in my computer and my 5 year old Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 audio interface.

I made some tests comparing my interface to a newer Scarlett 6i6 model.
When I play back a sine wave from audacity at -6dB I see it as -6dB in the software input of Scarlett Mix Control.
But when I use white noise at -6dB then with my interface the signal at the software input is boosted to -1.8dB and with the 6i6 model it's still -6dB.
I made a video showing this experiment with my interface connected to the computer:


I wonder if someone has any idea what can be the cause of this and how to get it fixed?

Thank you!