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Saffire Pro 40 Windows 10 Problem

  • 15 replies
  • 10 participants
Topic Saffire Pro 40 Windows 10 Problem
Hello guys and girls,

I'm desperate, maybe some of you could help me. I've upgraded to windows 10 recently...
My problem is, everything works fine except the saffire mix control.
The Saffire pro 40 I'm working with, is recognized by Windows, all drivers are working proberbly (thinks Windows), but i cannot get it to work. Everytime I Start Mix Control it cannot find my Interface.

I'm using a PCI-E Firewirecard with the OHCI Conform Via driver. I tried to run compatiblity mode, with windows 7 , 8 and XP settings... nothing, also I ran as Admin... nothing. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the mix control software (3.6, 3.5 and 3.2 I tried them all) with and without the Pro 40 plugged in.

I dunno what to do, please can somebody help my? As far as focusrite is concerned they claim, the pro 40 is compatible with Windows 10 but it doesent seem so

[ Post last edited on 08/09/2015 at 01:53:37 ]

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I work for a few years with the Saffire Pro 40 with no problems connected to a Windows 7 computer.
Since I have the latest version of Saffire Mix Control 3.6 i get into trouble with Audio glitches.

If Mix Control is running, and for example i play a audio file with Windows Media Player then i have audio glitches in my audio signal.
If close Mix Control then the audio glitches are gone.

When I start working with my DAW then the audio glitches are much worse.

In version 3.4 i had no troubles.
If you install Mix Contro version 3.6 it will install a new firmware in to your Saffire Pro 40.
It is not possible to downgrade the firmware version to the point when it whas working good.

The Saffire Pro 40 works perfectly on my Mac with the latest version Mix Control 3.6.

After further investigation I discovered that if I deinstall my video drivers of my AMD 7060 HD Radeo the audio glitches are gone. All is working perfectly.
I removed the AMD HD 7060 Radeo from my PC.
And temporarily turned my onboard GPU of my motherboard on.
When I test the same tings like i measured then I have no problems with audio creaks.

Maybe useful to know for those that have similar problems.
Hi Rushkey,

Thanks for the information, that's interesting news about your AMD Radeo, I'll pass this onto the developers.
It's also worth noting that there is no Firmware update for the Pro40 between Mix Control 3.4 & 3.6, as such, you should be able to move between them without any issues.

I hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need anything else.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
Thanks Simon,

In my case id did sell my Radeon and i will buy a different one.
Lets hope that the problems are gone with the new GPU

Best regards,


[ Post last edited on 11/14/2015 at 01:50:15 ]

Hi, first time posting

Saffire pro 40 stopped working when I upgraded to windows 10. I had ZERO issues with windows 7 and saffire pro 40 interface. The PC just wont see the interface and ask that it be turned on, or to check connectivity.
( Note: the FW active light on front of interface would not turn on)
After days of trouble shooting I discovered the following.
1. Windows 8 up thru 10 DO NOT include IEEE-1394 host control in the LEGACY version. It's completely left out for some unknown reason by Microsoft. Apparantly the IEEE 1394 Legacy driver is the only driver that will work with Saffire interface and PC. There doesn't seem to be a problem with Windows upgrades except for the audio and some video interface users.
2. After numerous attempts to download and install the legacy IEEE 1394 with no success, I learned that Windows 8-10 actually " Blocks" this driver from being installed in Windows 8-10. ( ? )
3. Reading informative post, I tried many tips and tricks. Nothing worked to restore my connection to the Saffire Pro 40 short of making hardware changes. I also was informed of possible chipset issues of which did not pan out.
4. Strange, but during these attempts the FW active light came on; and remains on, allowing me to control volume while viewing YT and video post on social media using only the physical control knob on the Saffire Pro 40, the MIX Control remained unusable, and PC continues to indicate NO CONNECTIVITY. The mere fact that I have common volume control via the Saffire pro 40 its self is proof the FW its self is good and the PC can see the interface but will not see the MIX Control.
5. I re-Installed the MIx Control software, again after numerous attempts, no success. Same pop ups; not connected check connection or turn on interface.
6. I noticed many folk's found the only solution was to DE-INSTALL their windows update and return to windows 7. They advised it worked and would wait til Focusrite resolved the issue before upgrading.
7. I De-INSTALLED windows 10 via microsofts prompt box and strangly it reverted only to Windows 8.1.
8. The IEEE1394 Legacy driver failed to show back up as promised, and again no success in connecting with the interface.
9. Windows 7 seems to be a complete loss, as I can't seem to get back to it. I no longer have the CD to re-install it.
10. STILL DOWN. I'm completely at a loss as to what step to take from here.

I do not desire to make hardware changes. The Darn thing was working like a charm before the upgrade, PERIOD. Now I'm in cyber hell trying to get back to creative work. I believe that Microsoft as well as Focusrite should have foreseen this issue and made every effort to head it off before releasing the upgrade. Focusrite could have beta tested the upgrades effects on PC users the moment it was released and started working on fixes etc. After all how many PC based audio interface users are there? Any ways, hope someone can help out.

Hi Mike,

Apologies that you seem to be having some problems.
It's worth noting that the Legacy Firewire (IEEE) driver that has been omitted from Windows 10 by Microsoft is only needed for our older legacy Saffires (Pro 10 i/o, Pro 26 i/o, Saffire LE etc). It is not needed for the Saffire Pro 40, and the newer range of Saffires are tested as supported on Windows 10.

We have been made aware of some Firewire card compatibility problems when some users have installed Windows 10, specifically with VIA chipsets and older TI chipsets, we have an answerbase article about that here:


At the bottom of that article there is an OHCI tool application that will let you know what IEEE chipset you have installed, this will give us a clearer idea of where the issue might lie. It's also worth letting us know what motherboard make and model you have, as well as ensuring that all chipset and BIOS are recently updated.

I hope the above helps, you may want to contact us directly with the above information so we can help you in our support ticket system as opposed to here on the forum:


Let me know how you get on.
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support

[ Post last edited on 03/17/2016 at 07:44:22 ]


I have a Saffire Pro 40 as well and it was working flawlessly on Windows 7 and upgraded to Windows 10 and it stopped working so I uninstalled the 1394 driver to reinstall the legacy driver but the system would not detect the firewire port???? After rebooting the computer a few times it all the sudden started working and I used for a couple days and then this morning it stopped working again.????? Very strange I'm ready to shadow copy my old win 7 if I can' resolve this. Help!!!focusrite-2459784.jpg

[ Post last edited on 12/18/2018 at 09:12:03 ]