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SeriesFocusrite Scarlett 2nd Generation

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Thread Scarlett Solo Recording to iPad issue, Mono vs. Stereo

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Sujet de la discussion Scarlett Solo Recording to iPad issue, Mono vs. Stereo
Sorry if this issue has been posted before, but I'm having an issue recording to my iPad Air 2 using the Scarlett Solo Audio Interface. My DAW is AUM.

I've hooked up my keyboard from the headphones to the 1/4" jack on the interface and the interface to my iPad correctly using the camera USB adapter. When recording a track sourced from the stereo input, everything sounds fine from the direct monitor, but when I play the track back it only come out of the right speaker. Recording the track as a Mono R track solves the problem, but the sound quality is drastically reduced compared to recording the audio in stereo, on both the direct monitor output and the recorded track. A clunky workaround I've been using is to record the track in stereo then convert it to mono afterwards, though this leaves the track quieter and slightly reduced quality.

I can't figure out a way to maintain audio quality while having the output be in stereo as opposed to mono R. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.