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Scarlett 2i2 suddendly broke down

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Topic Scarlett 2i2 suddendly broke down
I've been using my 2i2 for almost three years and it worked just fine(some random disconnections once in a while, but nothing too irritating). Yesterday I plugged it as always on my usual setup but no input from device was present. When I replugged it into my laptop, gain LEDs flashed just once and that was it. I have latest drivers possible for all devices on my laptop including motherboard and usb controller. I installed them after the problem occured, before my 2i2 broke down everything worked fine with older drivers. Also trying connecting 2i2 to other laptop and PC gave me the same unfortunate results. I can confirm that unit is getting power since 48v butted does glow red when pressed. I guess the issue is in the hardware? And if it is, is it possible to locate where exactly?