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Can't find the right focusrite 18i20 beta drivers!

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Topic Can't find the right focusrite 18i20 beta drivers!
Hi, I'm having problems because I recently reinstalled my O.S and wanted to download the beta driver for my focusrite 18i20 (the 1.9b12) since I upgraded my focusrite firmwire, that's the only driver that works for me, the last time I installed that driver, someone at focusrite sent me a link to download that driver, that link doesn't work anymore, for some reason I can't find that driver on the beta drivers web either, I sent a couple emails to the guys at focusrite but I didn't get an answer yet, can anybody help with this? I really need that driver to continue working...
Hi Gerardcoolcat,

We have had to remove this from the beta site as too many customers were updating the firmware on their devices when the issue could have been fixed in alternate ways.

That said we can still give it to you, please get in touch with us by opening a ticket at https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new and stating that you need to get 1.9b12 and which version of OS you're running (Windows or Mac) and we'll be able to send it over to you.

Best regards,

Alex Bull // Focusrite Tech Support