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Scarlett 2i2 headphone jack not working?

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Topic Scarlett 2i2 headphone jack not working?
I have had this thing for a little over half a year now and its been working fine from the start, but as of yesterday the headphone jack stopped sending out audio. I have tried separate connectors, separate headphones, but no sound is being processed through. I am not trying to monitor recording audio, so direct monitor is off. I switched it to my speakers and sound is processed to them, so it's not a problem on the part of my computer. I can still record using the scarlett. Does anybody know anyway I can troubleshoot this? I tried updating firmware and drivers and everything is up to date, both the scarlett drivers and the default audio drivers on my computer are up to date..

[ Post last edited on 08/28/2017 at 10:36:47 ]