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FocusRite drivers causing BSOD

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Topic FocusRite drivers causing BSOD
Good morning

I have limped along for 18 months with the periodic BSOD. It hs now become more frequent and now very irritating. I decided I needed to tackle the issue. Presently I have dsconnected the USB cable and all is well.

I use the Focusrite 2i2 system for my two Rockit speakers, and the mic and headphones which came with the "Studio" kit.

These are all on hold due to the BSOD issue.

Any ideas how I might overcome this and get accessories back functioning? The BSOD error message pinpoints the Fosusrite drivers


Forgot to mention, I am running Windows 7, 32 GB RAM, XEON processor and AMD 5100 graphics card

Mea culpa

I am very pleased to report that I believe this issue has been overcome. I jumped thru all possible hoops short of upgrading to Windows 10, which I was preppared to do.

The good folks at Focusrite tech support after severl very positive communications, after perusing my dump repports, diagnosed the issue as driver verifier was running and this interferes with the Foususrite drivers.

My DAC has been running for over 4 hours now with no issues (BSOD).

Thanks everyone.
