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Outputs Problem on a 2i4(2nd Generation)

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Topic Outputs Problem on a 2i4(2nd Generation)
Hi! Im from Argentina and recently i bought an 2i4 audio interface, i contact the thecnical support but i want to detail here to my problem if anyone can help me:

Since i bought the Scarlett 2i4(2nd Generation) audio interface i have a sever problem to configure it with any type of DAW(Traktor, Maschine, Ableton) and the problem is that i cant use the full 4 chanel output on mono, i will detail an example: in Traktor i use only 2 chanels(1-2) that go to an channel on the mixer and WITHOUT configure any monitor, if i want to connect the 3-4 output to anoter channel on a 4 channel mixer and get sound of the Maschine DAW it doesnt do it, i cant figure it why, it seems like only 1-2 are fully function, because if i switch to 3-4 to main output it doesnt start either and if i configure Maschine to exit from 1-2 same as Traktor there like a white noise that interfere the clean audio signal...i really need to solve the problem because my live acts depends on that! Sorry for my english and i need a answer as soon as possible, Thank you very much.